Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This morning, I'm inspired by my friend to come back to my blog.  I enjoy seeing her thoughts in my reader, which makes me look back on my own entries, and realize how much pleasure I get from having them collected here.  So thanks D!
I am coming off a very difficult week, with a lot of frustration and anger within myself about an issue at school.  Although I am once again disillusioned by the fearfulness that drives many of the decisions made in education, this experience also brought several gifts in its hands for me.  One is the knowledge that if I act with integrity and do what my heart tells me, then I don't ever have to be afraid.  I might be furious and tearful and a hot mess, but I am not afraid.  The other is that I am incredibly blessed to have a tribe of great women around me, who surround me with their words, energy, listening skills, text messages and hugs, reminding me that I am not alone.  What's better than that.
I don't know what is going to come of this particular situation, but I'm very content this morning sitting here with my coffee in my quiet kitchen.