Sunday, July 1, 2018

small realization leads to momentarily horrifying conclusion

The other day I was listening to NPR and I kept noticing this verbal tic I've been hearing lately.  People were beginning every response to a question with an unnecessary "So...."
It nearly drove me batty.  Then I realized that spending all that time thinking about it (not to mention using the word "batty") made me soundI like a crazy old English teacher.
Then I realized that I AM ONE.

(Later, I realized that there are a lot worse things to be.  After all, grumbling about the Oxford Comma has practically gone mainstream now [BTW:  I completely disagree with Vampire Weekend about this issue] so maybe I am kind of cool. Streams of thought like this one are how I maintain my highly unrealistic view of myself.)


  1. The tick Quincy & I get when listening to interviews is how often people say ”Look”, at the start of a sentence. Drives us nutty.

    1. Thank you for not making me feel like a crabby old lady John!
